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상품 게시판 상세
  • Post By. 피영숙 (ip:)
  • 작성일 2014-05-11 13:31:01
  • 조회수 692
  • 평점 5점

원단도 좋구 예뻐요.

비밀번호    * 삭제하려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.
관리자게시 스팸신고 스팸해제
  • indibrand 2014-05-12 14:23:20 0점 수정 삭제 댓글

    스팸글 안녕하세요~ 영숙님★
    소중한 후기 감사드립니다♡
    받아보신 상품 만족해주시니 저희도 너무 기쁘네요^^
    예쁘게 오래오래 착용하시고 앞으로도 인디브랜드 많이 사랑해주세요~~♥
    항상 감기조심 건강조심 꼭꼭 조심하세요^^
    소중한 후기글 감사드리구요~*
    예쁜 신상들이 업데이트될 예정이니 많은 관심부탁드립니다^^

  • AS 2022-02-11 00:23:02 0점 수정 삭제 댓글

    스팸글 https://states-men.linkcorner.nl/

    The term lesbian (before its modern context) referred to someone who was from the Isle of Lesbos. This island was located in the northern part of the Aegean Sea, and the name probably meant "wooded," or something similar.

    Aside from being covered in trees though, Lesbos was also the home of the poet Sappho. Sappho was born to an aristocratic family (because there's never been a lot of money in being a poet, it seems), sometime around the year 600 B.C. She was married, and she ran an academy for younger, unmarried women where she lectured and composed poems. It says something about her skill that in a society obsessed with art and poetry Sappho was famed far and wide for her lyric verses.

    That's not all, though. Sappho's verses were often very sexual, sometimes bordering on the lewd, and she wrote them about both men and women. Praised in her day she was essentially what writers in the 21st century erotica revolution aspire to be. Also, if there was any doubt that celebrity gossip and obsession with the sex lives of the rich and famous is something else we inherited from the ancient Greeks, the primary thing most people remember about Sappho is she had sex with women. It seems like an odd fact given her fame, fortune, praise from other great writers of the time, and the fact that her face appeared on goddamn currency, but then again she's still a famous poet over a thousand years after her death.

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* 왼쪽의 문자를 공백없이 입력하세요.(대소문자구분)

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